Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

stopping for a moment to write

WOW! time FLIES with three kids. For those of you who were family/friends when Sean was born, I'm reliving that nightmare with baby Aaron. Baby Aaron has never once slept through the night. In fact, at best he sleeps in two hour increments. Next friday we are having a sleep study done, however he's identical to Sean in this category, especially with the belly issues. Ian & I haven't found a way to pencil in any help for me either. Like most families, we are recovering from a major home improvement job (shower), Ian's broken truck, entertaining for the holidays.... isn't there always something. I need to start interviewing people to come to the house during the day for two or three hours, just enough time for me to get in a nap or to get some cleaning done. Baby Aaron doesn't let me put him down, he is 22 lbs, so my arms are getting strong : ). I think I might be calling ECI soon : ), I'll wait until the sleep study reports come in, they are also giving him an EEG (Karyn are you back at work?).

This last fall was perhaps the most stressful time EVER in my life. Sean went from Aspie, high functioning autism to moderately autistic with no rhyme or reason to his hitting in school. In fact, the school district had him on FAST TRACK to be in a classroom with all disabled children instead of mainstreamed. I was taking him to the Neuro every three weeks BEGGING for help. Between not sleeping with baby Aaron and the stress of the complaints on Sean's behavior at school, I've almost collapsed from physical and emotional exhaustion. The short of the story, a medication I was giving him was causing all of this regression. Against his neuro's suggestions, I took him off two medications and we are slowly getting him back. The last two weeks at school are the best two weeks he has had in MONTHS! !


