Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

The E.T. of my son's generation

well, close to it.

I took Sean today to see Disney's Wall-E. What a great movie. You don't even have to be a kid to enjoy it. I know it's just opening weekend so I won't go into to much details, however we know Wall-E is a robot right? Well, there is a scene where Wall E has to do some self maintenance and put in a new eye. The theater was quiet and Sean belts out, "Oh no, what will he do with no eye", the whole theater started laughing. This was Sean's second time he has watched a movie at a theater, well I guess if you count the 8 minutes he was it Shreck the third, it is his 3rd movie.

It's amazing to watch him mature. He has grown 2 inches since January, now wearing a size 6 and 55 lbs, He's a big 4 year old, however 5 is just around the corner in September. He is able to stand and have a photo taken. We were watching a slide show on my Mac and he was enjoying looking at pictures of himself as a baby for the first time. Ian even took him to a Rangers vs Braves game for father's day and he did great! Sean does get a tad bit over stimulated with all of the noise at the baseball stadium and movie theaters and just has to continuously talk out loud to compromise for it.

Aidan has entered a whole new stage, the I'm not going to use my words so I will wine or cry stage. Uggh, I know... in too.. this will pass.

Ian successfully finished our downstairs 1/2 bath remodel. It went from a late 80's hunter green & mauve floral wall paper equipped with a clamshell sink and brass fixtures to a baby blue paint , with a granite counter top, with a chocolate brown vanity base, equipped with a silver frame mirror, new light fixtures and a nickel high nick sink fixture. Lesson learned, even though the space is small, doesn't mean the project is inexpensive. We encountered a few unexpected surprises. We had a 36" wall to wall space in the bathroom and they only sell pre made 37 inch vanities. We had to hire a tile cutter to trim down the granite to install it. We also have original plumbing from 1989 and everything mechanically had to be replaced. Well, two bathrooms remodeled , only the master bathroom that is currently carpeted all the way up to the tub has to be done. We saved the biggest for last.

Tomorrow is a birthday party at our Advocate's son's play place. Outside of being our advocate, I really enjoy her as a person. If I have learned one thing, Special Education Attorney's and Advocates, that work for families are truly interested in the needs of the children. If you work for the opposite side of the fence, the school districts as an attorney, you literally get an open pocket book of funds, so school district attorneys can drag things out for a long time and probably make three times more money than a "for family" attorney, we have learned this first hand.


