Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

drive by post

Sean was nice enough to bring home a virus from school that had the entire family vomiting by weeks end. Ian had the bug the worst, not sure how that happens, but it did. I was hit the least by it. Anyways, we were couped up in the house and had fun. Sean & I found a plastic petri dish and started a science experiment on how long it would take for a cress seed to germinate. Day 3 and I see sprouts! Here are some pictures to enjoy!



Marian said...

that Aidan looks so much like you! happy late birthday to him.

that crazy cress seed photo! i had a dream about it the other night.

and did you hear about the radio shock jockey who has diarrhea of the mouth and just proclaimed to his 8 million listeners that autism victimizes children?? what a jerk! i can't imagine how that many people actually listens to his show...
