Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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How to create your own blog

several people have told me they want to blog, so here is my step by step instructions on how to pull it off.

1) you need a google account, that is what you sign into blogger with (I favor blogger because I've been using it for almost 5 years, user friendly) You can do that by selecting this LINK.. PS, if you think your going to need help because you are computer clueless, make your password something you don't mind sharing with me and I'll go in and do the dirty work to set it up for you.

2) once you have your google account, go to www.blogger.com and sign in. There you will see step by step directions on setting up your blog. You can go ahead and preselect once of their generic templates, name your blog, and your basic page is up and running. If you would like to spice up your blog, go to Final Sense or Pyzam on pick out one you like. Save the link and I'll either install it for you or you can follow the directions on the template to install it.

3)after that, we can customize your bloglinks, you must know me so you can link to my blog or anyone else you know. You can also make links to your favorite websites and a bunch of other things you can add it.

4) My spouse is worried about privacy, well, blogger has a function that you can control who looks at your blog by invite only, so we can add that protective feature for you.

5) My best advice for safety, try not to mention places, how frequently you go, or anything that would establish your routine on the internet (if your page isn't private). I'm guilty of that and you never know if you could end up with a cyberstalker.

6) Once you have your settings up and running, blogging is as easy as a title, some words, and an occasional picture, your friends and family will love keeping in touch that way!

have any questions, call me or email me!


