Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker


My neighbor has 3 kids under the age of 6. She's also chronically ill with a situation that will resolve itself next year with a surgical procedure. Her husband called and said he had an "elective" work trip opportunity to a foreign country for two months, his dream country to travel to. It would be the same pay as his position at home it would just be on another continent away from his wife and children, no bonus's , therefore the family couldn't travel with him. He would miss Thanksgiving and Christmas with his wife and kids. She has no family near by to help her should she fall sick while he is gone. Would your husband go? How would you feel about it? I didn't know what to tell her?



Marian said...

owie...you can't really tell her anything except that you will be her friend and when she needs help you'll be there for her. it's between her and her husband and you really would not want to go there...if it happened to me, i would probably look at it as a "deployment" and let him go and just have a plan a or plan b should i get sick etc. tough situation for them especially if she's not used to being on her own. just be a friend, that's all you can do.

Susan Thomas said...

Yeah, I didn't say much at all. Her husband isn't military so she's not as tough as a military mom. Her husband did travel a lot last year and it was hard on her. I get the idea that it would be like the military calling Jim and saying, we have a voluntary demployment in FIJI and unfortunately we can't have you family come over with you on this one. It will be the same pay with no bonus's or you can stay in Biloxi, your choice. I think she'll be ok and I'll be around to help. I'm playing carpool mom to another neighbor today. I will have 4 boys at at the house this afternoon. I think it's going to be fun!
