Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Happy Thanksgiving!

I started cooking yesterday, and I still haven't finished!! The best part is, we are only cooking a few things and our friends that have a little boy with Autism that use to be in Sean's class last year are having us over. I made 2 pumpkin pies from scratch, those were pretty easy. Southern Cornbread Dressing. Cherry-Italian Sausage Dressing. Apple, Orange & Cranberry relish (turned out awesome by the way, I'll post the recipe when I get time). The last item, is yet to be baked, first time making bread from scratch, making homemade yeast rolls! Hopefully they will turn out!

I am Thankful today for my family, my immediate and extended families. I am also thankful we picked a name out for baby boy #3. Aaron Alexander Thomas, with a small deviation of maybe Aaron Glen Thomas. Aaron is Ian's dad's first name. Alexander is a big "Torrey" name, my uncle is James Alexander Torrey Jr and my Grandfather was James Alexander Sr. Glen is my father's first name, however part of me thinks I will reserve this right for my younger brother Tyler to use this name if he by chance has a son. My dad would be happy knowing I used Alexander. Ian's dad is happy we are using his name to!

I'll post some photos/etc later. Everyone have a great day with your families!


