Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Holiday Wish List

(sorry friends) this post is primarily for family members that always want to know what the boys like, you can just ignore this post.

Since we will be in Biloxi for the holidays we will most likely do our shopping online to ship their gifts down there.

We set up a very basic wish list at Toys R US: http://www.toysrus.com/wishlist/search/index.jsp?_eventId=detail&searchBy=&wishlistId=20824638

another list is here:


Both Sean & Aidan are into mechanical & design things, leggos, blocks, tinker toys....

Sean is really into Star Wars, Wall E , Anything with a world map or usa map, the human body, transformers... you get the drift.

Aidan, we have all of Sean's former age appropriate toys set aside for him and he even enjoys getting into Sean's things. I put this electronic baseball toy on there because at a friends house over Halloween he played with it for two hours straight, he was enthralled with the magnet and the mechanical aspect of it and wanted to hit the balls. Aidan also likes playing with Leapsters, we had one from a friend and it broke.

For me, well... clothes and robes are out the the question. Slippers are an option, size 8.5 or 9, if in whole sizes 9.

I'm primarily wishing for gift cards to Gap and Lowes so I can fix up the baby's nursery. I'm nesting big time. Ian, you know that I'm itching to get my hands on photoshop elements too : ).

For Ian, well... I'll update this post as I hear things he'd like come out of his mouth... he is a tough one to shop for!


