Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

advocating mom

well, today was an ARD meeting for Sean, really didn't know what to expect walking into it. The district brought their Attorney and we didn't have legal council retained, however we had our advocate with us. They made us a very generous offer for Extended School Year services, however I didn't have enough information to make a decision today, so we left to get more information and to retain a lawyer ourselves. We also asked for Mediation. So, not soo much that I can comment on, but most of you can read between the lines : ).

I spent the afternoon looking for summer program options for Sean. The program we need handles Speech, Social Skills, and his behavior. We are hoping to get some help in these areas this summer. Thankfully we are in the DFW metroplex, so there is options.

I've been helping out parents on the side in neighboring school districts. It's all getting pretty sad, the same email... my son was diagnosed with XYZ and the school district says they cannot help and my son/daughter is getting in to trouble with their behavior. My response, tough.. it's their job to help provide these kids with a free and appropriate education designed to meet their child's unique needs. I usually give them some resources to help get them started. I am building quite a network of support so I have many people I can push their way. It makes me feel good that I can help parents get started in the right direction. There is a a lot to learn. The parents who teach themselves the law, essentially get better services for their children.

Sean graduates this friday and then we are packing the Odyssey full and driving to Biloxi/Gulfport with hopes of arriving by Saturday sometime. Ian & I fly out to North Carolina the next day. What will I do with myself, 4 kid free days. I will miss them, but it will sure be nice to have some quiet time.

I have to run, Aidan is screaming at the top of his lungs in his crib (he doesn't want to go to bed) Amongst the whining, there is a random "Circle, Square, Triangle".. cute



katieowens said...

Those boys are lucky to have you for a Mommy. Keep advocating for them!
So glad your knowledge is being used to help other parents.

