Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

busy weekend

Saturday morning we went to Carrollton, TX to attend an Asperger's picnic, such a great group of parents and kids. Aidan is quite the handful at 22 months. He just wants to go and go and the moment you try to stop him, full on tantrums happen. Saturday night our good friends invited us over to their house for a bbq and Sean was on his best behavior. Aidan, now that's another story. He was out of his environment and everything he wanted to do, he wasn't allowed to do.... so he threw a royal screaming fit and put a complete damper on our night out with our friends. I guess we are really going to have to focus on getting a baby sitter so Aidan can stay at the house where he feels comfortable. I suppose we have reached the socially unacceptable stage with him. it's kind of a unique twist, Sean is now the one who is more socially acceptable and Aidan has a way to go. Aidan does do well at the gym and at playcare .. i suppose there is enough toys to keep him busy.

I got the results from my liver biopsy ... I am good in that category. Now we just have to work on the cholesterol piece. I've got a ways to go with that. The won't put me on the statins until either myself or Ian get's fixed. I vote for Ian. : )

We decided to do some Texas exploring today and drove around Lake Grapevine, somehow we ended up at a park called Rockledge Park. Sean & His father got to do some exploring amongst the cliffs, while I kept my eye on Aidan, safely in the van. He got his playtime a little later at the park.

I've got to run, Sean is pressing me for reading a bed time story and he has school tomorrow~~duty calls.


