Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

photos from Mother's Day

I'm sharing a couple photos from Mother's day. We walked down to our neighborhood park and had lots of fun. Sean & Aidan played in the water fountain (hence the reason for Sean not having a shirt). Ian & Sean had relay races. Speaking of relay races, here is a picture of Sean from his school relay races last week. He had a bit of a gallop to him verses a sprint! We're working on those athletic skills. We received the results of Sean's Independent Educational Evaluation, it reconfirmed everything we already knew and recommended a full day program for Sean verses his current 2 hour and 45 minute program. We will be meeting with the school to work on that just before we leave to drive to Biloxi to drop the kids off at my in laws.

I've been reading the news the last several days and I can't help to feel hopeless about all of the natural disaster's going on in Asia. My heart goes out to those families that are suffering and who have lost family members. The only way I know to help is to donate to UNICEF or another emergency relief organization. I just want to hop on a plane, fly over there and help.

On a lighter note, my new favorite product of the week is: Method's wood floor cleaner. It smell's amazing and makes my wood floors look much better than using a swiffer. Method products can be purchase at www.methodhome.com or at Target.

I've tried to get this posted all week.. yesterday as I was about to hit publish, Aidan pulled the mouse so hard it pulled the power cord out of the wall... uggh...


