Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker


Just some quick photos from our trip to Asheville. Our bed and breakfast was a great experience. I think what I liked most about Asheville was it's diversity in culture. You have everything from the business person, the outdoors-man, the friendly same sex b&b couple, to the local dred heads. It's a good melting pot. The food there is perhaps the best I've ever had. Most of Asheville promotes organic foods at their restaurants. We at at Carmen's downtown and found it to be great , with stunning views of the mountain. We also got to eat at the Sunset Terrace at the Grove Park Inn. The views were incredible and the food was good. I stumbled across a favorite drink there made by a local chef call a grand turk twist. I have the recipe written down somewhere, but it involves fresh raspberries. We enjoyed visiting the Biltimore, I can't imagine how grand their life was. I haven't been fortunate to travel to Europe to see castles before, so this is a like a castle to me for sure! We got to go white water rafting on the french broad river. That was my first time rafting and I really enjoyed myself. I wish I would have taken a water proof camera. The river itself was beautiful. The guides cautioned us to paddle quickly in one area, because apparently some local fisherman got mad that the rafts were scaring off their fish and shot a few rounds off from a gun over their heads. I would have freaked! Sean is out of school today, so I am going to try and take him to the public pool across the street!


