Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Snooze Button

Boy do I wish my kids had snooze buttons sometimes in the morning. Getting up at 7ish can be tough, well, I typically stay up to 11pm sometimes midnight enjoying a couple hours of kid free time. I guess I either need to forces myself not to have kid free time and go to bed earlier a couple nights a week or maybe teach them to be a little independent in the morning for an hour.

I'll usually pop on a DVD for Aidan for an hour because he's the first up, Sean... another story, he'll come jump in bed and wiggle around because he needs to take care of his morning business, then I'll tell him to go, then he'll tell me to put on his underwear, then he will tell me to put on his own DVD because Aidan's is for "a baby". About 10 minutes after I get them both settled and try to jump in bed for another 30 minutes of shut eye, Sean usually comes in an says he needs a toy from downstairs. Ugggh.. why did I try?

I remember my oldest sister Teri with her 3 little ones at the time under the age of 5, she would get up, turn on 1 cartoon, get a couple bowls of dry cereal and she would be able to crash for an additional 45 minutes to an hour uninterrupted. I know at some point it will be the exact opposite, getting the boys out of bed will be like waking the dead... so I guess in time, like everything... it will change.

What is your family routine like? Does everyone go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time?



Kelly said...

7ish! Only in my dreams...kids go to bed at 7 but not usually asleep until almost 8. I go to bed about 10 (these days, being 9months prego sometimes 8:30 or 9), the hubby goes to bed about 11. Wil is up first, 6ish. Claira follows quickly behind maybe 5-10 minutes later. I do have their sippy cups of milk on the bottom shelf in the frig and TV is set to PBS so all Wil has to do is get his milk and turn on the TV...only he usually has to tell me he is up and has to Pee. Thank you for sharing! Claira is still in a crib so when she wakes one of us has to go get her out and set her on the couch to join Wil. This is supposed to be Andy's job since he has to get up for work. But I am still forced out of bed by 7 due to hungry tummies or earlier depending on if I remembered to get Andy's lunch together the night before.
Like you said, this too shall pass. Just as waking 8 times a night. We'll miss these days when their gone. So just suck up an extra cup of coffee, and watch them play.
