Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

It's HOTTTT~~~

Thankfully, I'm not like several of my friends who are in their last trimester of their pregnancies (I feel for you all!). What is up with the heat? It's been 104 here in Dallas, I don't even want to take the kids outside!

This week is Sean's last week of summer school at his private school. After that, we are not sure yet, we are waiting on mediation which is next week. We have no idea where he will be for school this fall.

I am getting nervous about traveling with the kids for the Disney Cruise at the end of August. Aidan can't make public appearances right now without throwing hive producing tantrums. Rest assured, I'll be armed with his car seat with a 5 point harness, movies, a portable DVD player, and I may even bust out a bottle if he starts to fuss on the airplane. I think doctors should prescribe our who family Xanax for the trip.. we would be the happiest travelers around.

I got brave and took the kids to the park a couple days ago, this was the first time ever Sean asked to leave a park after being there for only 15 minutes... I was hoping to burn some of that wild boy energy off, but way too hot!!



Tabatha said...

Always love reading your posts, they seem to describe things around here to a T. Good luck with the cruise. Any famiy vacation should warrant getting a script for some who family happiness :)
