Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

some of my current favorite things

SuperWhy of PBS kids. It's the one cartoon that will entertain both of the boys at the same time, well Sesame Street almost has Aidan captivated. SuperWhy is an essential when I am trying to clean or get organized.

A summer treat. Ian brought a pack of these home from the grocery store and I forgot how good this taste ice cold in the middle of the Texas Heat, Sunkist. So good for a rare treat!

Aidan's Tykelight. We can give him his Tykelight at bed and the the light slowly counts down from bright to dim to off and the battery on it is pretty savvy, I only have to charge it once every two weeks.



Tabatha said...

Hey. Thans for the tykelight tip. I'm gonna have to check into one of those.

Kelly said...

Claira has a flashlight and WIl has a lantern, I might have to look into that tykelight.
My house is OBSESSED with Super Why? We never miss the 8:00am show! It actually has taught them things. Even little Claira has letter recognition!!! She knows about 8 now and LOVES to point them out on people shirts, signs, books etc. It can be annoying sometimes while holding her or reading to them.
And now I am craving a Sunkist!

Cole Hanson said...

We have that same light - we love it !
