Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Super Star!

Sean started soccer through a program called Upwards a couple weeks ago. Upwards is a national faith based sports program for kids. It's phenomenal, there is no bad mouthing from the sidelines, each child get's equal playing time, and they have a lot of fun. Sean says he likes to play soccer because he "likes to kick the ball".

Aidan, at the age of 2 is trying to climb out of his crib. He can almost do it. Ian & I are dreading the toddler bed transition. Aidan already thinks he can skip naps, I can't imagine what it's going to be like without a crib and a gate at his door. I guess eventually he will figure it out right? For many of you who know Aidan, he is either always sick, and seems to always have a runny nose. He went this morning to have a CT scan done of his sinus's and they drew blood to run about 5 or 6 different tests, including immune system stuff. We really want to get my little man better.

Sean is on week 6 out of 8 in his summer session at the Flint Academy. This is perhaps the best educational structure he has been in yet since we arrived in Texas. In order to keep him there we would either need to be willed a large sum of money, have me go back to work, or take out a private school student loan. I didn't even know these types of loans existed. Ian & I believe if we give Sean intensive educational structure when he's younger, it will better prepare him for the public school systems. I am very concerned about sending Sean back to his Pre-K program with the school district. His behavior went down hill, he was getting pushed around from his peers, and he wasn't getting any help academically. The kids in his former pre-k class were mostly learning english and how to identify the alphabet, and well.. Sean is now reading on a 2nd grade level.


