Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Blueberry Yum Yum

This desert was served at my father's funeral in Meadville, MS. It was incredible and I highly recommend you save it in your recipes for blueberry season, you won't be disappointed, I promise!

Blueberry Yum-Yum

3 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
1 cup sugar*
¼ cup water
¼ cup cornstarch, mixed with 3 Tablespoons water
1 cup flour
1 stick margarine, melted
1 cup chopped pecans
1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened
1 (16 oz.) carton frozen whipped topping

Combine blueberries, sugar, water and cornstarch mixture in medium sauce pan. Stir constantly over medium heat until thickened. Set aside to cool. Combine flour, margarine and pecans. Press evenly into a 13-x-9 inch baking dish. Bake at 350° for 20 minutes. Combine cream cheese and half of whipped topping. Spread on cooled crust. Add blueberry mixture. Chill overnight. Add remaining whipped topping. If desired, sprinkle with chopped pecans or fresh blueberries before serving. Yield 15 servings.

* I use ¾ cup sugar


