Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker


Oye, If it's not one child, it's Ian or myself. Last night we got home from Mediation and my throat started to hurt and I checked my temperature and it was up just a little 99.1. Just enough to tell me my body is fighting off something. Sean's last day of summer school was today. Today, they made water balloons and got to play in inflatable splash pools they put out. They also got to go into the kitchen and make spaghetti. They really get to do a variety of things at the Flint Academy. They have tailor to Sean's academic side as well as his explorative pre-schooler side. We couldn't be more than happy. We have three or so weeks with out school to figure out where Sean will be going to school this fall. I suppose, It's time to switch into super trooper mommy activity mode and make sure I get the kids out of the house so they don't start to climb the walls. Aidan got a haircut this week, pics will be posted soon. He has a bit of a sensory issue with haircuts, so I told them to put the clippers on a #4 setting and buzzzzz he still looks cute, also looks like a much bigger boy (age). I am in need of some mom TLC time and Ian is in need of some dad TLC time, so hopefully we can compromise and both get a couple hours to ourselves this weekend!


