Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

whew, what a day!

I think perhaps I had one of those days where one single tantrum just never ended. I took Sean to the Dallas Planetarium this afternoon. For some reason, they didn't have a model of the solar system out and it was extremely upsetting to Sean who likes to name all of the planets off and their distance in light years from the earth (seriously... I'm not making this stuff up). Sean has apparently inherited his late grandfather Torrey's space O.C.D. gene. Currently, Sean's obsession at the age of 4 is the solar system, not necessarily the equipment to get to outer space. I suppose next summer since my mother and sister both live in Huntsville, AL, that I will look into sending him to "Space Camp". I guess another option would be in my good old home town of Merritt Island, there is some type of summer "Space Camp" as well (it being the home to the Shuttle program and all). The highlight of departing the Museum was the geriatric female bum who approached me mid tantrum with Sean and asked for money. I happened to have a bag of double size bag of popcorn that I bought at the grocery store and I said, here ... have some food. And she looked at me like I was nuts. Ian told me when I got home that the heat index today in Dallas was 109. No wonder it felt like I was getting baked in an oven!! Ian spent the day today home with Aidan. Now that is a true husband. Staying home to entertain the 24 month old. Thanks, for your love and support! This Wednesday is Mediation, so I am liable not to be on the computer too much... hopefully, I'll have a chance. TTFN


