Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

a Disney Wonderful Time~~

First and farmost, Happy 5th Birthday Sean today!

We made it home late last night, whew! We had a great time in Florida the three days proceeding our cruise. Sean went to Epcot and the Kennedy Space Center. We departed for our cruise last Thursday during Hurricane Hanna or it may have been a tropical storm then.. not so sure... We had 15-20 foot swells that night. Needless to say the boat was rocking! Our family made it through with no sea sickness. The Disney cruises are great for kids. I think if I had to do it all over, I would have waited until Aidan was potty trained so he could go to their kids camp. Disney really does a phenomenal job with kids camp. We got a pager and dropped off Sean and we were off! They invite the characters in for stage shows, magic shows, etc. Sean got bumped up to the 5,6 & 7 year old camp and he went to Ratatouille Cooking School, and got to make "Flubber" and many more exciting things. He never wanted to leave the camp. Aidan, since he wasn't old enough for the camp, well... he had plenty of fun, spent some time in the nursery, but for the most part, we had him with us. The Castaway Cay Island is great. All done Disney style with a cool Pirates of the Carribean pirate ship. The island is so big, they offer a little shuttle to help you tote little ones to the family beach. One of the things I liked about the Disney Cruise was the cabins. Our cabin had two bathrooms, one with just a toilet and the other with a bath tub. Most cruise lines don't offer the bath tub option and if you have little ones, it's an essential. The shows on board the cruise, were nothing less than spectacular. Disney really knows how to put on a show. I'll post some photos to get you started and add some more when I get time!


