Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Turtles, Ducks and Epcot

Boy, I wish I would have brought my camera cord to download photos for the blog. We have some great pictures!

Sean woke up in the middle of the night last night complaining about his stomach. I got to thinking about all of the public pool water he drank yesterday and Ian and I decided to talk him into EPCOT instead of the water park. We were concerned that if he did catch a stomach bug, with the weather we are going to hit when we depart Port Canaveral, he would be miserable on the boat.

Today, he did really well with Ian and Epcot, I have one picture to share that he emailed me from Epcot and the others will be when we get home and I get a camera cord, or if I borrow one from a friend before then. He loved the mission to mars ride. He got his picture standing in front of a giant Jupiter (smiling ear to ear!).

Aidan and I had a great day, on the way to our walk to the Outlet Mall, Aidan and I discovered that the Mallards in the pond were very friendly, we started to feed them some crackers and Aidan was giggling he was so excited. We even saw three big pointed nose turtles. I googled them tonight and they are called Florida Soft Shell Turtles. We must have spent an hour feeding them. When Aidan and I got home, we took a nice long nap.

Later in the day, while Sean & Ian were napping, I took Aidan to my favorite grocery store ever "Publix" and we picked up a box of mini saltines (oyster crackers) and later that night, I introduced Sean to feeding the turtles and ducks... Aidan was giggling again and Sean was ear to ear grins!

We ventured out for dinner, I was looking for an old locals place called "Pebbles" that I use to eat at when I lived in O Town and , it had been sold, so we cut our loses and ended up at a TGI Fridays. Aidan wore spaghetti from head to toe. The "balloon man" at Fridays made Aidan a monkey balloon. Aidan saw a little girl sitting across the table from him with a balloon hat and was trying to put it on his head. He is so cute!

We are heading over to my hometown tomorrow, the Space Coast. Sean & Ian will be going to the Kennedy Space Center together and Aidan and I are going to party it up at my friend Megans house. The same girls I went with on the "Girls Cruise" last fall will be over to her house for a luncheon. It will be good to see them. Megan and her family is actually coming along on the Disney Cruise.

Word on the street is, we are still departing out of Port Canaveral on Thursday, we are going to try to outrun Hurricane Hanna. Our Cabin is in the front of the ship and Megan and I are suspecting that there will be a tish of seasickness... How crazy is it to be on a cruise ship when there is a Hurricane out? I think it's nutz, but Disney says it safe and they deal with this stuff on a regular basis.. .so we're going for it! I guess if I see Jim Cantore on the ship, I know we are in trouble!

I've got to run, we have to pack all of our bags tonight and I am tired, ready to head to bed and it's only 9pm.


