Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

posting from O-Town

We made it to Orlando on Sunday, after a brief flight and pulling all of the "goodies" out of the bag to entertain Aidan on the flight... we made it, with no tantrums!!! Yahoo!!!

We made it to our resort in Orlando, and pretty much all passed out. You see, waking up at 6am for us --is pretty rare! Our room is a 1 bedroom suite that Ian got a deal on because of his "Hilton Gold" Status... yeah.. all of those months in Michigan last year added up! Right behind our building is a nice zero entry pool for the kids. I lathered up Aidan with sunblock today, however since he is a moving target, I missed a spot on the tip of his nose and his right cheek.. needless to say, he looks pretty funny tonight. I'll have to do a better job next time.

Sean has been asleep since 7pm. Him and his daddy are off to Aquatica tomorrow. Sean has been begging to go to a water park and this will be his treat. We are staying just a mile from Sea World, so this will be an easy trip for Ian & Sean. Aidan and I have a date at the resort. We will probably go to the zero entry pool, play at the park, take a nap, and then... adjacent to the resort is a large outlet mall we can walk too.

Our Disney Cruise is due to leave Port Canaveral on Thursday, however it's not looking like that is going to happen. Apparently, Hurricane Hanna is due to hit the Port that day. We called Disney and they are rumoring busing us all down to Miami and having us depart out the Gulf Side. What get's even more comical...... is the day we return, they show Hurricane Ike potentially in the area. Guess I know why we got a good deal on the cruise (and no, we didn't get the trip insurance... oye). Overall, the weather in Florida has been pleasant. Cooler temps, overcast, and breezy due to Gustav. We have been having a great time as a family. Ian and I decided shortly after the birth of Sean that every year we would have a family vacation somewhere. That is very important to us as a family.

Word on the street from my friends Marian and Kelly is that the Mississippi Gulf Coast fared well today compared to Katrina. My mother and father in law. My sister in law, her husband Jamie and my niece and nephew all got an unexpected trip to our house in Dallas. Ian and I were so relieved they took advantage of our vacant home. We were really worried, during Katrina their homes took a harsh beating. My friend Kelly above has a 4 day old and my friend Marian is busting at the seems at 37.5 weeks preggo.. and I guess the old wives tale about the barometric pressure dropping , causing labor to induce, is just that... a wives tale...



Marian said...

Oh..I hope you still get to go on your cruise but even if it's rescheduled (they will reschedule if it's due to hurricane)...you can still enjoy Orlando!! Hey, next year...you have to take a family vacation to Portland Oregon!---the cascades and Colulmbia River are gorgeous! We are doing very well in OS. Praying for your safety!
