Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Busy week!

I can't believe it's friday night? My week flew by! I'm still hugging the porcelain god in the morning and in the evening. However, regardless of the nausea, the appetite has finally kicked in and I moved in to positive weight gain for the 1st time last week. My OBGYN asked me if I was trying to diet and I laughed. I said, do I look like a women who doesn't like food? : ). So, this pregnancy is unique from the other two in that I have had morning sickness longer than the other two. Not this Monday, but the Monday after we have a 2D ultrasound scheduled as part of genetic counseling and we hope to find out the baby's sex. We have decided against Amnio and CVS due to the risk of miscarriage. They can take all the blood they want though from me.

Today we had a 6 hour IEP meeting at Sean's school. Take a deep breath... Sean has an IEP and I was allowed to particpate. Let's get that issue to bed and move on.. Momma doesn't need drama while she's preggo... speaking of preggo... .the crazy dreams have kicked in. I'm also not able to sleep well, I'm hoping the second trimester energy boost kicks in soon!

I picked out a bedding set if we have a boy (because... in all honesty, that's what I am expecting, even though Ian says girl)... Gap.Com started selling nursery sets, and yes why I know it's a bit up there in price.... I'll be selling old stuff on ebay to save enough money to purchase it! It's Gap's Baby Safari Set

I love the bright colors. Now, if by chance it is a girl... well, when they tell me that... I'll start shopping for pinks and purples! and I am more than sure I can find a girly girl set.

Sean's baby set was Outer Space

Since he was my first and I was working full time I purchased the entire set. Sean slept one night in his crib, so we actually use this as Aidan's back up set.

Aidan, who will only sleep in his crib has a baby boat theme, this has been a lot of fun and it's about time to transition Aidan to something more big boy...

What I'd like to do, is put two twin beds in a room and put them both into:

Star Wars, both boys love them and perhaps that can be their new room theme with the addition of #3!

Ian still has a throw from the 80's that has star wars on it, for that added vintage feel. Sean is going as Luke Skywalker for Halloween and Aidan will be Yoda this year... I of course will post photos!


