Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

I'm still here!

I know, your asking ,where have I been all week.... just the day/in day out routine plus waiting for the 2nd trimester energy boost to kick in. Aidan is suppose to have a CT Scan monday on his sinus's , he suffers from chronic sinusitis and the CT Scan was schedule to determine if the last course of antibiotics helped or not. Well, I just came down from Aidan's bedroom to where I hooked up a vaporizer with vicks because his nasal drainage got into his lungs and he has a nasty cough. I will be rescheduling that at a later date, I wouldn't even want to consider risking his well being with a cough like that going under general anesthesia, my guess is they would send us packing anyways!

If baby #3 participates on monday afternoon we should find out the sex. Ian says girl, and I am thinking boy. We haven't started beating ourselves up over baby names yet. I think when we find out the sex, that will be helpful as well. I have going from a small bump to a larger bump this last week.

Ian gets to travel twice next week, I am jealous! Once for work to Colorado (just overnight) and the other to go back to Biloxi for his sisters wedding party. We decided not to make the van treck down as a family because #1) we can't have Sean miss any more school because they are keeping track #2) my bladder #3) I'm simply lacking the energy to make the trip. We will be there in spirt! Maybe over the holidays we will get to visit, not 100% sure yet!

Tomorrow I am making homemade apple pies and crock pot dinner roast and my good friend Lisa's boys will be coming over for a play date tomorrow night (monday is a school holiday here). We have the house decked out in Halloween decorations, Sean just thinks it's the coolest thing. I let him help put them up over the house. Thank goodness I saved those decorations, they have paid for themselves by recycling them year after year!

Below is a recent photo of Aidan and a fun picture of Aidan playing the Leapster and Sean watching!!


