Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

football & puke

love the title don't you? Sean started Flag Football on Saturday (his first practice). He is the youngest boy on the team at 5 years old (they go up to 9 years old). He did better than Ian & I thought he would do! Later that night, he had his first sleep over! Sean has finally left our bedroom after 5 years - glory halelujah! He has officially earned the big boy title. When he started to sleep in his own room, he earned his first sleepover at his friends house! We have some photos from football practice to post, just have to get them off the camera. I am so proud of him!

Friday, I took Aidan to the Pediatrician because he was acting like he had the Flu, they new to the practice, nurse practitioner called it croup and sent us on our way. I was a little put off, because he had just finished a course of antibiotics for Strep and I mentioned that to her, shouldn't we retest him to see if he still has Strep? No. So, he's not a very happy camper, he's walking around with his hands over his ears moaning. I slept last night on his bedroom floor and he was dry heaving often through the evening. Boy do I wish I had my hands on some magical Zofran for him. I've got him reschedule to go back to the doctor this afternoon. I just love going to the doctors, don't you? The best part was his stuck his vomit filled hand into my mouth when I wasn't looking so, I am PRAYING that my immune system kicks in. I don't need to be sick while I'm pregnant... please no!

I'm starting to get nervous about having three little boys going in all different directions, however I am sure it will be fine until #3 learns to crawl/walk. I've heard the more kids you have the quicker the other siblings learn to do things.. We will be getting my tubes tied on the O.R. Table after baby 3. As much as I wanted to try to have a daughter, I think I have to focus on my quality of mothering, and I think it would drop off for me personally at 4. Plus, I need to start focusing on getting me back together, health, weight... you name it. My 20 year reunion from high school is coming up soon (2010).



Tabatha said...

Way to go Sean, official big boy!!

Poor Aiden & Susan, eww in your mouth.

I got my tubes tied the day after I had Madison. 2 is my limit!!
