Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Half way mark 20 weeks!!!

I've got a few photos to post from Halloween.... baby boy #3 is kicking up a storm in my belly and Aidan still needs to go to bed so I'll have to be brief! I can't believe I hit the half way mark with baby 3. Time is FLYING by. Did anyone master the art of shaving their legs while pregnant?

This picture is Sean & I over Halloween, if you look at my belly you will see a baby skeleton... cute!

He may be cute, but this little man is up to trouble!

Me, 20 weeks pregnant, I promised a photo (Sean took it and had his finger over the flash) .


My smiling Sean...



Kelly said...

I LOVE the shirt! where did you find it?

katieowens said...

Congratulations! You look great. Hope you're feeling good.

Susan Thomas said...

I found the shirt on ebay, it was a cute idea..


Katie, I am feeling much better, just having some issues with swelling.. I have an OBGYN appointment today and a perinatologist appointment tomorrow, we are just hoping for HEALTHY at this point!
