Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tired Mommy!

Boy am I tired today, in fact... I'm heading off to bed soon! I can barely keep my eyes open. We had a nice family weekend. Saturday morning we took the boys to the park with hopes of teaching them soccer. They ended up on the playground verses staying on the soccer field. We will try it again!

I was lucky enough to have a friend and her family over Saturday morning for coffee .. they had to run and couldn't stay long but we really enjoyed their company. Sunday, we made it to church and then Ian headed off to San Francisco. I really wish I could have gone on this trip, however I fear flying with the boys. In September, we are going to fly to Orlando, so we will see how it goes then.

Aidan is developing a typical two personality. He won't use his words so he get's frustrated and belts out some type of moan/whine. I'll be working with him hard on using his words.

My father is not doing well. I'll leave the details out of this post, because it's sad stuff. I'm hanging in there.


