Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Trouble at School

Yesterday, I received a call from Sean's teacher that a student had pushed Sean down on the playground into the bark mulch cutting his face up and hurting his lip. I'm not sure what to think about this. Sean said the kid hit him in the head before pushing him down. I know it's harder to watch kids during recess. The teacher told me there were three recess's outside and things get "kind of crazy". The child that pushed Sean down was not in special services. I know Sean is weak on his social skills, but this is twice since December that he has been involved with an "incident" on the playground at school. In December another child hit him on the head with a rock. I'm really not sure if this is just part of having a kid in school or if I need to speak with someone outside his teacher about this.



Kathy & Jerome & Colin & Henry & Sam said...

Colin has had this happen a couple of times at his school. Talk to Sean's principal if the teacher is blowing it off.

They need more adults on the playground if she can't keep things like this from happening.

I talked with my sister who is a school psychologists- she deals with the stuff all day long- she told me that kids are suppose to be safe at school.

Marian said...

poor Sean! Time to sign him up for Kung Fu!

Susan Thomas said...

thanks for all of the responses. I've spoken with Sean's teacher about watching him closer on the playground and documented everything, including the picture on this post. If it happens again, I'll go to the principal. Apparently there were two boys that were involved with hurting Sean and they are both on "Behavioral Intervention Plans". My son's classroom setting is really not appropriate for a child with autism.
