Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

and baby #3 is a ......


I've officially entered the all boy club. This will be our last baby , so I will have to wait until they get married to have any "daughters".. which is fine.. because I can say... we don't have to pay for any weddings! And I have clothes started at 2T and up saved, so I just need to purchase baby boy stuff 6 months to 2T, not soo shabby!

I'll post an ultrasound picture later when I get time.



Marian said...

And you remain..."the queen of the castle!"

CONGRATULATIONS!! I knew it was going to be a boy!

Someone told me boys ALWAYS adore their mamas!

Welcome to the all boys club!!

katieowens said...

Congratulations! You are going to have one busy house with 3 boys! So glad everything is going well. When is your due date?

Susan Thomas said...

Queen of the Castle, Marian I like that phrase. I was a bit surprised that I ended up with all boys, considering I came from a family with 3 girls and 1 boy, however Ian determined the sex. He has 2 older sisters and needed to pass on his family name, and well.. he has that covered with a back up plan now : ). The first due date was 3/28/09, the next two ultrasounds gave us a due date of 3/21/2008, and I usually go in to labor by myself around week 38, so I am anticpating the arrival of #3 somewhere between: 3/7 and 3/14. What will be fun to see is if we have straight or curly hair....

Tabatha said...

