Full time mom to three active little boys! Life is an adventure and we are living it!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

early nesting

Oh boy, my hormones are in full gear!!! I've got the boys star wars duvet covers purchased, already found two inexpensive twin platform beds to buy . We are going to sell the fancy Buzz Light Year bunk beds with slide that we purchased last fall. Sean is too young to sleep in the top bunk and our goal is to put Aidan & Sean in a room together after we get Aidan out of his crib! In that room we will only have beds and books, Sean's old room we will turn into a playroom upstairs sand the baby will get Aidan's old room. I had three estimates this week on carpet and flooring...

On another note, Aidan is in FULL Swing 2 year old stage. Today, after emptying the baking utensil drawer, he proceeded to take the wooden rolling pen and threw it on my already injured foot!!! On the sore spot! He then proceeded to throw and pull down everything in his path. His speech teacher was over today and she said, well... I think he's officially hit the terrific twos. A couple days ago when I was getting a carpet estimate, Aidan managed to climb on top of the kitchen table, pull down the box of lucky charms. Dump it upside down on the floor. By the time I came downstairs with the carpet guy, he had finished off all of the Marshmallows from the box. Tomorrow morning I have him on a moms group play date. Aidan is so ready to be around kids his age. I'm starting to research "Mom's Day Out" programs to get him out of the house one or two days a week. Anyways, tomorrow is pumpkin patch day so I will be sure to post photos!

I'm looking good and pregnant now. Ian & I are working on baby names and we are deciding on using family names or coming up with something outside. We are in no rush on that. Sean said he would like his new brother to be named "David". Not a bad name, however we were thinking about incorporating both of his grandfather's names and if we use "David" a Grandfather will lose a spot. Joy o Joy!

Off to finish watching David Letterman, I was just naughty and ate some Haagen-Dazs Rocky Road Ice Cream so I am feeling baby boy #3 really good right now!


